Started on February 10, 2014One Hour Sessions

Working with a personal trainer can have many benefits that you might not expect. Wondering what makes 1 on 1 personal training so great? Let’s break down some of the different positives of hiring a personal trainer today.

1. Knowledge

When you go to the gym by yourself or do workouts using YouTube videos, you are missing out on the opportunity to learn about the workouts. Having the right education can help you choose the right workouts. You might not be reaching your fitness goals effectively, simply because you don’t have all the information you need. Education can also help you prevent injury. It’s easy to get seriously injured when you don’t know much about the exercise you’re doing, since you could be doing it wrong without realizing it.

2. Get the Right Form

To get the maximum benefit from your workouts, you need the right form. A personal trainer will be able to correct your form as needed and help you get the most from your workouts.

3. Customizable Workouts

Every one is unique, and might have certain requirements or restrictions that only a personal trainer can effectively help  with. For example,  a fear of using certain machines or equipment that a trainer can help with or work around. Or an old injury and need exercises that will take that into consideration. A personal trainer’s job is making training personal.

4. Set Goals Effectively

A personal trainer will help  set realistic, achievable goals and push to push. It’s hard to know what goals are good. Clients may want to see progress right away, and get discouraged when they don’t. A personal trainer helps make a plan that works  and stick with it, keeping clients motivated even when it seems difficult.

5. Don’t Waste Any Time

With a personal trainer this will never be an issue. Clients will know exactly what to do and how much time to do it in, taking exactly the amount of time need to meet their goals.